Attending: Board members Martha Beyersdorf, Marion Abrams, Erica Hurd, Sharon Mayer
Treasurer’s Report (download file for details.)
- Discuss switching to lake Sunapee Bank for convenience. Approved
- Discussed setting a daily limit on Debit cards. $350 cap was approved.
Old Business
- Volunteers did not have time to create and mail a spring mailer, we hope to do so in the future.
- Mother’s day pop up craft event to take place Tuesday the 3rd.
- Board agreed to authorize Marion to spend up to $20 each to promote the Mark Breen program and Summer reading sign ups.
- Pop up foraging- ramps are coming in but both Sharon & Marion will be out of town. Program on hold.
- RCML Paperwork
- Reviewed historic by laws. It was determined that we should plan a work session after our next monthly meeting to update with our current children’s program policy, computer / internet use policy, and mission statement. Tentative June 7th.
- Insurance
- Erica shared that Library has in the past carried insurance for contents of the library and suggested we do so again. Marion stated that we would need to know the cost of insurance in order to make the decision. Erica to research cost.
- Work Days
- We will try moving through business quickly and scheduling a work session after each monthly meeting. Proposed: Next meeting - review & update policies. Following meeting - asses value of library contents.
- Books
- Books have been sorted and culled. It was noted that some book sale books have been re-donated or returned. Book sale books will now be marked with a large purple X.
- Marion authorized to purchase up to $100 of new Junior Fiction.
- Book request box suggested. Marion will make book request forms. Someone will need to make a box.
- Tradename Registration
- Erica researched and reported this is not necessary.
- Library URL
- Karen to work on setting up domain registration account at 1and1 in order to transfer domain from Angelique. Gratitude expressed for Angelique holding (and paying) for the registration.
- Fall Picnic
- Erica asked if Library would be interested in underwriting a portion on the $500 musician fees. Board felt the picnic is a worthy community event but that library funds should be reserved for books and programs as was intended by those that provided the funds.
- Marion proposed having the library open during the picnic and having door prizes to encourage people to enter the library.

rcml_financials_2016_-_apr.pdf |