Special Trustees Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
7:00pm- 8:45 pm
Present: Susie Martin, Marion Abrams, Sharon Mayer, Traci Templeton, Karen Waterworth and Angelique Lee
Topic: Proposed Library (and Town Office) Building
Each Trustee was asked to share thoughts regarding the space designated to the RCML in the proposed building plans as presented in the Town Office Building Survey. Sharon strongly felt that the basement in the current building would be inappropriate and uninviting. Karen voiced some ambivalence, citing sensitivity to various factions' concerns re: Plan B, C or other. Susie indicated she would be okay with either plan and provided some history regarding the current arrangement of town clerk's office and library. Angelique encouraged the trustees to be strong advocates for the library's present and futrue needs. Traci noted the library's importance in promoting a sense of community in Pittsfield, seconded the need of the trustees to be strong advocates and suggested that we are at something of a crossroads in the library's developement. She also noted that a basement location would be less than encouraging. Marion noted that the vitality and needs of the RCML in 2009 are much different than they were seven years ago when the Building Committe first started exploring the options of relocating the Town Office and Library. She also shared a letter from Rob Geizler of the VT DOL in which he opined that a proposed basement location would be inappropriate for the library.
After much discussion, most present voiced an intent to make any space alloted "work", but a majority agreed that the basement location in Plan C wold be less than ideal and that such a location might dampen the community's enthusiasm for the library which has made marked progress in updating its collection, profile and services over the last several years. Concern was raised over housing the Historical Society's collection in the library; questions of available space and responsibility. The Library Trustee role of protecting and advocating for the RCML in the best interests of Pittfield residents was a recurrent theme of discussion.
It was decided that all on the current RCML email list would receive a message encouraging them to consider the welfare of the library when completing and returning the Buidling Survey. It was also decided that the Trustees, in order to better advocate for the library's needs, ought to have representatives present at Select Board and Building Committee Meetings . To that end, Sharon, Karen and Marion were drafted to attend the next Select Board Meeting on Tuesday December 1st at 6:30.
Regarding other business: Traci suggested sending a New Year's Greeting from RCMLto Pittsfield residents highlighting this past year's acheivements and future aspirations. All present encouraged Traci to compose a draft. $30 donation allocated for Therapy Dogs of Vermont in appreciation of recent programming at RCML.
Next Trustee Meeting Thursday, December 5, 2009
Submitted by Karen Waterworth