Use of SignUpGenius for shift scheduling discussed. Marion will install tab on website.
Planned participation in Hour of Code December 10th & 12th cancelled due to lack of interest.
Fundraiser Cook Book discussed. More recipes needed. Adds welcome. All present encouraged to recruit via word of mouth.
Prizes (to be determined, ?cookbooks, gift certificates?) to be given for most recipes, most local recipe, most literary recipe.
Suggestion made to change Trustee Meeting to 2nd Tuesday of the month. No objections. Change approved.
Gingerbread House Building project led by Dana to occur on Thursday, December 19th.
The Night Before The Night Before Christmas will be on December 23rd, of course, beginning at 6 p.m. with carolling, followed by a story and a short film. Beverages provided. Cookies welcome.
Marion to handle publicity.