- Cookbook Sales - Still have 30 - 40 cookbooks left to sell. Do a push to sell out cookbooks for gifts for Holiday season. Vote for Marion to do a boosted FB post featuring the cookbook info. All trustees and volunteers to please share this post. Karen to add cookbook sale info to next email blast.
- Book Sale - Netted $255.00, well under most year's average of $400 - $500. Not as much pre=planning this year or call out for book donations.
- Halloween Book Give Away - Friday, October 31st 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Library Witch will be on duty - who will it be? Marion will make a trip to Montpelier to get 30 children's books for the collection, as well as try to obtain some review copies that could be used for book give away. Erica/Sharon to do some shopping for some books for the collection, voted to earmark $300 for this, as well as try to obtain some books for book give away from book stores. Sharon to obtain book samples from a friend as well. All trustees please share info once books are obtained so we can know what holes still need to be filled.Karen to add this to next email blast.
- New Volunteers - Sandy Begin, trained by Marion and Dejah Lee, also trained by Marion. Dejah has a lot of community hours needed for school.
- New Trustee Chair Vote - Tabled until all trustees are present at the next meeting.
- Programming - Traci Templeton has been asked to and has agreed to do a Halloween themed program on Tuesday, October 28th. Sharon will contact Traci to get more info, then give that info to Marion to do FB post, to Erica to get to Killington and Stockbridge school newsletters and to Karen to add to next email blast.
- Halloween Candy Drop - Marion will drop letters to designated homes on the green giving our neighbors the opportunity to opt out. Erica will ask at Killington School if they would be willing to be a drop off point, Sharon will ask at Pitt Stop if they will be willing to be a drop off point. Marion to do candy drop FB post to publicize. Deadline for candy donations to be Monday, October 27th, candy distribution will take place on Tuesday, October 28th. Karen to add candy drop info to next email blast.
Present: Marion Abrams, Erica Hurd and Sharon Mayer
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Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024