Promoting RYT presentation of Romeo & Juliet
Lack of Trustee/Treasurer
Signs hung on the P on the Green to promote RYT presentation of Romeo & Juliet this Satuurday evening.
Erica has tried to contact Dave Larkin re: key to Town Hall in the event of rain and indoor venue needed. No response as of yet. Erica volunteered to meet Saskia & troop at the library 1-2 hours before performance to facilitate set up. Email sent to Saskia suggesting she contact Erica before Saturday.
Jessica Fuster returned Treasurer's Reports, associated paperwork and check books as she had previously stepped down from position of Tustee/Treasurer. Bank statements, invoices, waiting deposits reviewed by those present. Decision made to request former Treasurer, Eunice MacDonald-Rice review material and for a fee, as a hired contractor, organize paperwork, produce a financial report and guide remaining trustees in establishing a simple system of accounts in order to be able to produce a treasurer's report in a regular and timely manner, even without an actual treasurer in place. Sharon will contact Eunice this week.
Lack of library chair and treasurer as well as dearth of volunteers to cover shifts bemoaned.
Erica reports gratifying turnout for Summer Reading Program and she plans to show the film, Lego as a closing event.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Waterworth