Present @ The Clear River Tavern: Marion Abrams, Eunice MacDonald-Rice, Traci Templeton, Angelique Lee, Karen Waterworth
Green Mountain Library Consortium renewal agreement to be reviewed and completed by Karen.
Standards application to be completed by Karen.
Bazaar Book Sale plans discussed. Sharon and Karen plan to be present throughout day and will handle set up and breakdown. Leftover books to be donated to interested correctional facilities in Vermont.
Painted Piggy Banks to be collected by Angelique who will also handle signage, and will be on display and raffled at Bazaar.
Library's contribution to disaster relief efforsts discussed. Having rasied approximately $1,200 through Pig Kisising Campaign and post Irene collections, and more expected from the Bazaar,it has been decided that funds will be directed towards aquisition of two dumpsters for debris removal. Angelique handling arrangements.
Halloween plans discussed. Book give away slated with some books already available from our collection and others offered by a generous donor. Marion to arrange procurement. Sharon previously volunteered to be present throughout the evening of the 31st for the event, but will need assistance. Light refreshments to be offered. It is hoped the basement of the Town Hall will be available to us. Marion to check with Patty Haskins. Library Trustees also plan to solicit candy from outlying homeowners for interested homeowners on the green who entertain the bulk of Trick or Treaters. Traci to see if Pitt Stop available for candy drop from 10/16-22. Marion and Eunice to handle information/publicity.
Treasurer's Report:
Regular Checking Account- $4051.52
Vonnage Checking Account- $137.24
Georgetti Capital Improvement Bond $10,000
CD $1000
Recent fund raising cash on hand approximately $1200.