Present: Marion Abrams, Susie Martin, Sharon Mayer, Karen Waterworth
Treasure's Report
Regular Checking Balance $4,508.36
Receipts $555.00 Calendar Sales
Books $165.97
Phone Book Ad $50.00
Calendars $814.99
Postage $44.00
Events $11.00
Supplies $5.99
Grreen Mountain Consortium Memebership $100.00
Total Distributions: $1,191.95
Vonnage-$24.68/Balance $194.03
Ranney $1,028.38
Jutson $1,000.00
Giorgetti $10,230.54
Old Business
Gingerbread House Decorating Program on December 8th, 24 participants registered, 17 volunteers expected.
Calendars are in the library availbale for pick up, extras for sale. Great job, Angelique.
Saskia interested in providing 2-3 after school programs involving theatre arts. Tentative dates, January 4hr, 11th, 18th.
Many recently purchased and donated books need to be catalogued.
Work day slated for Sunday, January 9th, 10 a.m., Sharon to get the word out.
New Business
Susie reminds group that budget request to town should be considered.
Susie also reminds group that a new treasurer will be needed before her term as trustee expires.
Marion suggested Eunice MacDonald-Rice as replacemtn trustee and treasurer.
Marion to be added on signature card for checking account.
Sharon will explore bookkeeping software.
Possible adult programming in future-Geneology with Lorraine Fielder.
RCML has been invited to cohost with the Historical Society a pot luck and concert featuring the Royalton Town Band in September.