Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2011
Meeting preceded by a visit to Pittsfield General Store by three trustees to view possible space for limited number of books to be shelved for continued circulation (honor system) during anticpated building renovation. Staff member Lee Ann suggested space at back of store available for small collection.
Present at meeting: Trustees Traci Templeton, Marion Abrams, Sharon Mayer, Eunice MacDonald Rice, Karen Waterworth
Volunteers Angelique and Amanda
Treasurer"s Report: Checking $ 66.19
Vonage 25.79
CD renewed 5 months 10/4/11 $1044.26
All once again encouraged to sign up for shifts.
Fund Raising Dinner plans discussed. Clear River Tavern likely venue. Mid July target date. Posibly the 17th or 24th, Sunday afternoon. Pig roast, fireworks, entertainment discussed. Sharon to contact Jason re: date after further input. Amanda, Sharon, Angelique and Traci to investigate pig pricing. Traci has been looking into entertainment. A pig art component discussed. Paper mache v. ceramic pigs discussed. Angelique and Amanda will look into possibilities.
Storage of book collection during building renovation discussed. Traci obtained quote from Martin Miller Co. who would pck up and transport all books at a price of $1,100, and $175/ month for storage. Seemed a bit steep to those present. Tony from Todd Transportation to meet with Sharon at library on Tuesday the 10th and furnish quote for same. Marion will ask if there is any tempory space at Sherburne Library for storage. Traci mentioned that Henry Hotchkiss may have some space available. It is anticipated that storage needs to occur before August 1st.
Traci presented detailed plan for the Mighty Tweed Bike Rodeo slated for Saturday, May 28th. Traci plans to attend Rutland Bike Rodeo on May 14th for practice. Volunteers have been recruited though commitment needs to be confirmed. All should check their emails. Bike Rodeo Stations to include maintenance, helmet fit, bike safety, skills and decorating. Traci will continue to coordinate event with PR and signage help from Angelique and Amanda. Eunice to pick up refreshments. Traci likely to order 35 helmets from Bell to be provided for free or nominal fee. Used bike donation/exchange suggested. Purchase of donated used bike could defray cost of helmet. Final organizational meeting planned for Thursday the 26th at 6:00 p.m.
Angelique and Marion to attend the Vermont Library Conference on May 24th where Susie Martin will be honored as a VLA Trustee of the Year for her past 40 years of service. Karen to write letter to select board informing them of Susie's award