At the meeting: Susie Martin (trustee treasurer), Angelique Lee (volunteer), Sharon Mayer (trustee), Marion Abrams (trustee chair). Minutes submitted by Marion Abrams
-Treasurers report presented by Susie Martin
Reg. Checking -$4,565.51
Half acct-$143.74
A.E.F. scholarship award-$643 savings and $23.55cash on hand
Old Business
-Thank You notes will be written by Karen for the fund raising dinner & auction. Susie will purchase blank cards. Thank you notes also need to be written for the after school program.
-First summer picnic was discussed. We would like to make it a celebration of the end of school and start of summer for ALL Pittsfield families. We will check closing dates for S.E.S, Stockbridge, Barstow, Rochester and Woodstock schools and try for the first Friday after. Traci will coordinate food and logistics, Marion and Angelique will assist with publicity to include: email list, web site, our letter sign, fliers, and local papers. We plan to make this our summer reading kick off too.
-Adult book buying. Sharon Mayer will take on the bulk of our new adult book purchasing using money from our fund raising dinner. The trustees have authorized her to purchase several ($60) books from a variety of best seller hot lists EVERY month this year. She will also work with other volunteers with a goal of purchasing $1,000 of new books for the library in the next month.
-Adult programming. Angelique will try to coordinate a series of three consecutive Thursday evening programs. 1. National Forest Service presentation on their choices for land use, 2. Vermont Herbalist on wild edibles and herbs, 3. National Forest Service botanist nature ID walk.
We will also approach the Historical Society to offer a book display for their Civil War Letters presentation on May 15th.
-Childrens Programming. Angelique asked for and was granted permission to purchase art supplies and food for the May 30th program. We discussed the possibility of a Tie Die or Batik program with one of the picnics. Marion would like to have the Summer Saturday story and craft program again thisyear. We will need at least 4 volunteers to share the load of a series of 6 consective Saturdays.
-Smithsonian. Susie Martin announced the receipt of another year's donated subscription to Smithsonian Magazine.
-Computer usage. A 20 minute time limit for computer usage was adopted.
-Please sign up for shifts!
-Articles were published about us in Rutland Herald, Mountain Times and Herald of Randolph.
-We were asked to talk about our library's success at Town Officers Training on May 6th.
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Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
October 2024