Roger Clark Memorial Library Meeting Minutes
At the meeting: Susie Martin (trustee treasurer), Sharon Mayer (trustee), Marion Abrams (trustee chair), Traci Templeton (volunteer), Edna Gunter (volunteer). Minutes submitted by Traci Templeton
-Treasurers report presented by Susie MartinReg. Checking -$4,356.51Half acct-$120.74JutsonCD-$1,000RanneyCD-$1,000A.E.F. scholarship award-$643 savings and $23.55cash on hand
Old Business
-First summer picnic was discussed and finalized.
Date: Friday, June 19, 2009.
Time: 4:30 Games and activities.
Sharon to talk to Karen about badminton. Display Art puzzle pieces. Suzie to talk to Judy about extra puzzle pieces to hand out. Door prizes already in stock. Sign up for Champlain Valley Fair
Reading Program. Traci to follow up on vouchers for program. Kick off for Summer Reading Program - Celebrate Creativity! (Lauren)
5:30- 7 Potluck to include salads, desserts, drinks.
Traci to ask Pitt Stop for donations of hot dogs/hamburgers and buns.
PR: Traci will write text. Angelique will make flyer. Marion to print flyer. Flyer to be sent to surrounding schools, posted at community locations. Noted: Everyone, young and old, encouraged to attend.
-Adult book buying. Sharon Mayer and Marion Abrams reported a successful book buying trip to Northshire Bookstore. The library received a 20% discount for books purchased. Sharon noted that the staff was very helpful.
-Adult programming. Angelique forwarded an email to Marion in regards to the Forest Service presentations. They are interested in doing both presentations.
1.Forest Service presentation on fisheries, river walk 2. Forest Service botanist nature ID walk. Angelique is still following up on: 3. Vermont Herbalist on wild edibles and herbs. Tentative dates for three consecutive Thursdays in late June/Early July.
Marion reported the book display for the Civil War Letters presentation on May 15th proved to be successful with several books being checked out.
-F451 April will lead discussion. Showing of movie was dismissed.
-Young Adult Programming. Sharon reported Artist Jen Vaughn did a super job with our 11 participants in creating puzzle pieces for Art Fits: Vermont’s Community-wide Art Project. Puzzle pieces will be displayed in the library. Jen donated two books to the library.
There was discussion of further programs, possible movie night w/ pizza.
-Children’s Programming. The summer Saturday children’s program dates are set and will begin 7/11 and continue thru 8/15. Most volunteers are in place, with Marion following up on rest.
-VT. Parks Pass. Discussion of length of time for pass holder. Four days agreed. Fee for lost pass.
-Movie License: Marion will renew.
-Smithsonian. Susie Martin will send thank you to Susan Klink who donated another year's subscription of Smithsonian Magazine to the library.
-Susie discussed Fairbrother Award
New Business
- Inter-Library Scavenger Hunt: Marion expressed there is interest from Sherburne/ Rochester libraries to create a Inter-Library kid’s program for this summer with a “GOOD” prize as incentive.
Next work day is August 31, 2009
Marion and Angelique’s presentation to the Vt. State Town Officer’s Meeting was very well received. The Vt. Dept. of Libraries has asked if they would speak again.
Sharon noted Vermont has more libraries per capita then any other state.
Sharon begins classes for Basic Public Library Administration.
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Board of Trustee Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the library. We look forward to community members joining. Our monthly meetings are for planning upcoming events and brainstorming ideas. We'd love your input! Meeting Minutes
July 2024